KidLit Connection
The author website of Sue LawrenceReading MMD at Rocky Mountain College
After a 2 & 1/2 year process, my "Montana Hope" finally happened! My illustrator, Erika Wilson, and I were invited to Rocky Mountain College's Billings' campus to participate in their Reading Series event on October 14, 2021. That night was a milestone for me--not only was it my first author event for my debut picture book, Montana's Memory Day, but it was held in my alma mater's Prescott Hall great room! I used to set up the chairs and tables for those Reading Series events as a work/study student. Now, I was one of the invited author presenters with a microphone in hand! The irony of that scenario was invigorating! And, it felt comforting to be back on campus, surrounded by Rocky friends and supporters of my newly-attained career as a published Montana author!
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